Book Drops
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Memorial Policy
The Nicholas P. Sims Library encourages monetary donations for the purchase of materials for memorials and honorariums. A memorial for a children's book ($18.50 and up) and a memorial for an adult book ($25.00 and up) may be selected and a bookplate, inscribed with the name of the person being remembered and the name of the presenter, will be attached to the item. The presenter may request a specific subject matter, preferably in very general areas, such as gardening, history, etc. The Library will acknowledge the receipt of memorials and honorariums by sending a card to the donor and a card to family members or friends of the person being remembered or honored. If you wish to make a Memorial Donation, please complete the Memorial Form and return it to any Sims Library staff member. Please enclose names and addresses of persons to be notified.
Other financial donations may be made payable to the Library (designating building fund, etc.) or to the Friends of Sims Library. All monetary donations are tax exempt.
According to Nicholas P. Sims Library’s policies on collection development, occasionally library materials are removed from the collection for various reasons. Donated materials given to the library that are designated for deselection will be offered to the person or family of the person being remembered or honored, or to the donor(s) of the materials, as indicated on the Memorial Form submitted to the library. Otherwise, any memorial or honorarium material not returned to said persons will be subject to the library’s policy for all deselected removed library material.